#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################# # # convert.cgi -- discusses probability vs. consensus value. # # $License: # # Copyright (C) Kenneth A. Kittlitz, All Rights Reserved. # # Unless explicitly acquired and licensed from Licensor under a # separate arrangement, the contents of this file are subject to the # Idea Futures Public License ("IFPL") Version 1.0, or subsequent # versions as allowed by the IFPL, and You may not copy or use this file # in either source code or executable form, except in compliance with the # terms and conditions of the IFPL. # # The IFPL V1.0 is identical to the Reciprocal Public License V1.1 as # published at , with the # following two changes to term 13.8: # # [start of changes] # Change 1) Replace: # "This License shall be governed by Colorado law provisions..." # with: # "This License shall be governed by Alberta law provisions...". # # Change 2) Replace: # "You further agree that Adams County, Colorado USA is proper venue..." # with: # "You further agree that Alberta, Canada is proper venue...". # [end of changes] # # All software distributed under the License is provided strictly on # an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, AND KENNETH A. KITTLITZ HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, # OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the License for specific language # governing rights and limitations under the License. # # :License$ # ############################################################################# use strict; use CGI; require "Common.pl"; my (@content,$data); my $query = new CGI; print $query->header; my $title = "Conversion between probability and consensus value"; my $header = "Scaled Payoffs"; $data = <FX can be used to find a consensus on the year for a future event (as in Extropy #15, and Wired's "Reality Check" feature), or even the value of a variable with arbitrary units over a range of possible values, e.g., neutrino mass in eV, or a performance measure at a point in time, such as the number of people in space or computer performance. The idea is to fix the payout as a function of the variable of interest (say, year).

For example, SSTO could happen sometime between tomorrow and 2020 at the outside (after the singularity we will all have one :-). YES pays 1.00 in 1995, 0.00 in 2020. NO is reverse. Assume linear in between, or

      YES = (2020 - Year) / (2020 - 1995)
       NO = (Year - 1995) / (2020 - 1995)

Once you have a market price the consensus year can be reported by solving the above equations for year.

This would give an indication as to the mean of the consensus, but not its variability (both in terms of spread and skew): the goal was simplicity (a single claim) over that added detail. A concern is that the claim assumes the shape of the anticipated curve, whether linear (most common), exponential (cosmology claims), cumulative Poisson (random events), whatever. The mechanics of the trading are unchanged, and anyone could create a claim of this type right now. However changes to the user interface (could use a client applet) would help by allowing conversions between variable (year) and price (perhaps enter order as a year and use the simulate option to show the cost prior to processing).

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EOT push(@content,$data); &showHtml(8,$title,$header,undef,undef,@content);