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Claim 1e7Pri - 10 Million Dig. Prime ere 2002

Category: Science & Technology:Math Science & Technology:Computer Technology & Benchmarks Science & Technology:Encryption, Factoring Science & Technology:General Science JUDGED at 0
Owner:2568, JPO
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2001/12/31

The Claim

A prime number of at least ten million (10,000,000) decimal digits will be discovered and announced by a reputable organization on or before December 31, 2001.

Subsequent confirmation by a reputable third party, and publication of such confirmation, shall be required for this claim to be judged "True". Such confirmation may take place after Dec. 31, 2001, at the judge's discretion, provided that the original announcement occurs on or before Dec. 31, 2001.

An exact announcement of the identity of the prime number, or its length, shall not be required by the judgement date, provided that these details are published in the confirmation.

Leading zeroes are not to be counted toward the 10 million digits.

Judge's Statement

As of 12/31/2001, the latest news is this 4+ million digit prime. I'll wait a few days to make sure I didn't miss any announcement.

The Market

Price Plot for life of 1e7Pri
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