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Claim 2GHz - Date: 2GHz processor available

Category: Science & Technology:Computer Technology & Benchmarks JUDGED at 91
Owner:723, Mario Hilgemeier
Judge:863, ediehn
due date:2010/12/01

The Claim

A computer processor clocked at 2000 MHz or more: When can it be bought on the market?

Background: Discussions in 1999, whether Moore's law will hold for the next processor generations. A common simplification of Moore's law: "Processor speed doubles every 18 months". In November 1999, Intel released a processor speed prognosis of 3.6 GHz for 2014. The fastest processor in November 1999 was made by AMD and was clocked at 0.750 GHz. Together with Intel's prognosis this would yield a doubling time of 79 months.

Manufacturers and processor technologies are not limited to the examples given.

Availability is given, as soon as one computer chip reseller or distributor publicly offers the processor or a machine (computer or otherwise) that contains the processor.

This claim shall be judged before the judging date, as soon as a 2.000 GHz processor becomes available and this has been verified by the judge. The judge may use up to a month for verification.

The earlier the processor is on the market, the higher the claim value. The claim value will be 0.00 FX$ from November 1, 2010. The months count, not the days, i.e. if a 2GHz processor goes to market on October 31, 2010, the claim value will still be 0.01 (as it was on October 1 of that year).

Claim values 1999 - 2004

Year Jan.
1999           1.00
2000 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95
2001 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89
2002 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83
2003 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.77
2004 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.71

Claim values 2005 - 2010

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2005 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.59
2006 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.47
2007 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.35
2008 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23
2009 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11
2010 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00  

Judge's Statement

I will judge this claim based on the commerical availability of a 2GHz microprocessor released by *any* chip manufacturer.

I have also removed revious restrictions on the source and intended role of the chip -- DSPs and other application-specific chips now qualify, as the claim itself makes no restrictions on the processor purpose.

To qualify, a chip must be made available for delivery by the claim's due date. Processors which are announced as "forthcoming" or available for some sort of pre-order do not qualify if the actual chip will not be delivered before the judging date.

I will do everything in my power to watch for qualifying chips, and should I discover one, I will announce my findings on the fx-discuss mailing list 72 hours before judging the claim. In order for a chip to be nominated as a qualifying candidate for a TRUE judgement, a posting must appear on the fx-discuss mailing list (or its successor) describing the specific satisfying chip and vendor with sufficient detail to allow the me to verify that that the claim is satisfied.

The Market

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Price Plot for life of 2GHz
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 1423
Players participating: 28
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