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Claim BioTek - Index of Seven Biotech Claims

Category: Science & Technology:Idea Futures (and Experimental Claims) Science & Technology:General Science Science & Technology:Medicine, Biochemistry JUDGED at 20
Owner:863, ediehn
Judge:73, Karl Hallowell
due date:2000/01/01

The Claim

This is a scaled claim that will pay out based on the value of the Biotech Index as of noon on January 1, 2000.

The Biotech Index is an weighted average of "yes" coupons in seven claims that track scientific/technical advances in the biotechnology and medical fields. It is intended to provide an index to the general FX optimism regarding advances in these fields.

The seven claims are:

The index of these claims is computed by the following formula:

Sum of (total pairs * price(YES)) / Sum of total pairs

Claims which have been judged will be computed based on the final value (1.00 for YES, 0.00 for NO) and the final number of pairs held.

The claim will pay out YES coupons equal to the value of the index at the judgment time, 12:00 PM EST, Jan. 1, 2000. NO coupons will pay an amount equal to 1.00 minus the value of YES coupons.

The current value of the Biotech Index can be obtained from:
This page pulls its data directly from the FX server.

Judge's Statement


The Market

Price Plot for life of BioTek
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