In the Babylon 5 episode _Signs and Portents_ , Lady Ladira, a Centauri seer and prophetess, shows Commander Sinclair the possible destruction of Babylon 5.
This claim will pay based on the episode as listed in The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5's Episode Guide. The claim will pay $1 if Babylon 5 is destroyed by the end of the current (third) season.
If Babylon 5 survives the end of the third season, the claim will pay $0.02 times the episode number minus 66 (the episode number of the season 3 finale) in which Babylon 5 is destroyed. For example, if Babylon 5 is destroyed in episode 85, the claim will pay (85-66)*0.02=0.38.
If Babylon 5 survives the entire series, the claim will pay a full $1.
If the fate of Babylon 5 is unknown, the claim will pay a full $1 at the end of the series.
If the show is canceled before the end of the series and the claim has not been judged, the claim shall pay $0.