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Claim DNA$ - Commercial DNA computer

Category: Science & Technology:Computer Technology & Benchmarks JUDGED at 0
Judge:163, jim
due date:2005/01/01

The Claim

A DNA-based computer is developed and commercialized. The claim is YES if such a machine is sold for more than $1 by the claim date.

Report on DNA-based Computers Workshop by John Amenyo

Judge's Statement

Standard ambiguity clause: If the wording is found to be ambiguous I will judge on the basis of the obvious intent. If the intent is ambiguous I will judge on the basis of precise wording. If both are ambiguous or if both are clear but conflict, I will look for a solution that causes the least damage to FX as a market and game.

In particular, the development and commercialization of humans (cloned or otherwise) would not dictate a YES for this claim.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
Price Plot for life of DNA$
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 3255
Players participating: 82
View the ticker for this Claim.

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