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Claim ELECTR - US: Faithless Elector Impact

Category: Politics:US Politics bid 1, ask 14, last 1
Owner:6390, beneficii
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2029/12/31

The Claim

By the 2029 election, a faithless elector or faithless electors will have changed the outcome of a US Presidential Election or US Vice Presidential Election, by accident or on purpose. A faithless elector is an elector who has pledged to vote for a candidate, but votes against that pledge or abstains, except in the case of the death or other disability of the candidate. By changing the outcome of the election, the faithless elector or faithless electors will cause in either the Presidential or Vice Presidential Election one of the following to occur that otherwise would not have occurred, were it not for the faithless elector or faithless electors:

a candidate to win or

the devolution of the right of Election upon a House of Congress or other body, a runoff, or the prevention thereof.

If one or more of the above conditions are fulfilled, this claim shall be judged YES. If none of the above conditions is fulfilled, this claim shall be judged NO.

In the event of the following occurring before any of the conditions above are fulfilled shall this claim also be judged NO:

the Electoral College is abolished or

it becomes impossible for a faithless elector or faithless electors to change the outcome of any election, such as if the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact takes effect and a number of states composing the majority of the electoral college, holding to the compact, prohibit faithless electors from casting votes.

Judge's Statement

This claim's conditions shall apply to any US presidential vote up to and including that vote scheduled for 2028 that results in the presidential inauguration in 2029.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
     1 @ 1   crandles (7886)
     5 @ 1   caprandom (6829)
    71 @ 1   twist (9973)
   578 @ 1   jar (6504)
Price Plot for life of ELECTR
Last trade price: 1
Current ask price: 14
Current bid price: 1
Pairs outstanding: 181
Players participating: 8
View the ticker for this Claim.

Your cash balance: 0.42
Your holdings in this Claim: 0
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Your Sell YES Orders Players Selling YES Coupons
     1 @ 14  jar (6504)
     5 @ 15  jasonphos (7514)
    10 @ 29  jar (6504)
    10 @ 38  jar (6504)
   250 @ 39  DavidSJ (4176)
    10 @ 49  jar (6504)
   250 @ 59  DavidSJ (4176)

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