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Claim EUQ202 - GDP growth of EU-15, Q2 2002

Category: Science & Technology:Idea Futures (and Experimental Claims) Politics:UK Politics Finance:World Finance News:World News Finance:US Finance Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 20
Owner:3453, Panos
Judge:3126, Varulv
due date:2002/09/11

The Claim

This is a scaled claim aiming to forecast the growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the 15 members of the European Union (EU-15) during the 2nd quarter of 2002, compared to the 2nd quarter of 2001.

The payment equals [50+100*(r-1%)], where r is the GDP growth rate expressed in percentage points. The figure to be used for the judgement of the claim is the one to be reported by Eurostat on September 10, 2002

Eurostat indicators

The claim pays 50 if the reported rate equals 1%, 100 if r=1.5% or higher, and 0 if r=0.5% or lower.

The GDP growth rate reported corresponds to the growth rate between Q and (Q-4), at constant prices.

Judge's Statement


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