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Claim FARM - Human Organ Farms by 2015

Category: Science & Technology:Medicine, Biochemistry News:World News JUDGED at 0
Owner:1458, clindsly2
Judge:7886, crandles
due date:2015/06/01

The Claim

on or before 1/1/2015 GMT it will be reliably reported in mainstream news media that there exist or have recently (since the creation of this claim) existed somewhere in the world one or more operating human "organ farms" in which humans are being bred and raised specifically in order to harvest vital organs such as hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers, etc., from them, to be sold for transplant into living recipients. these "organ donors" may or may not be genetically engineered in such a way as to stunt or eliminate their intelligence, and may or may not be cloned, and may or may not be raised in an artificial incubation environment. whether this practice is legal or illegal under any jurisdiction shall have no bearing on the judging of the claim. farms in which individual organs are grown, absent a human "host", as well as organs harvested from non-viable foetuses, shall not be considered sufficient to satisfy this claim. it is essential for the satisfaction of this claim that humans are being bred specifically for one or more of their organs. "reliably reported" is, for the purposes of this claim, to be considered at least 3 articles in at least 3 separate relatively respectable newspapers or periodicals such as The London Times, The Economist, Der Spiegel, The New York Times, etc. "Tabloid" press such as The National Enquirer are specifically excluded from consideration. YES coupons pay $1.00 if the claim is judged TRUE according to tbe above criteria, on or before 2015/06/01. NO coupons pay $1.00 if the claim is judged FALSE according to the above criteria on 2015/06/01.

Judge's Statement


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