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Claim GPSSA - GPS Selective Availability Off

Category: Science & Technology:Space JUDGED at 0
Owner:728, Martoccia
Judge:1458, clindsly2
due date:2000/01/01

The Claim

In 1996, Present Clinton directed the United States Air Force to turn off the Selective Availability (SA) feature of the Global Positioning System (GPS) by 2006. GPS is the worldwide satellite navigation system used by the Department of Defense (DoD), allied nations, and millions of national and international civil users. GPS has replaced Omega and will eventually replace Loran and nearly all other terrestrial navigation aids by early next century.SA is the intentional degradation of the GPS signal by the DoD to prevent adversaries from exploiting the extremely precise navigation data broadcast from GPS satellites. Turning off SA will increase the accuracy of civil GPS receivers from ~100m to ~10m.The GPS industry, sales expected to reach $10B in a few years, is increasing pressure on the government to turn off SA sooner than 2006. This claim will pay 1 if by 1 Jan 2000, the Selective Availability feature of the Global Positioning System is disabled indefinately to allow civilians greater accuracy. Otherwise this claim will pay 0.

Judge's Statement

I will judge this claim based on its precise wording, unless this wording conflicts with my perception of the intent of the claim. If both intent and wording are ambiguous, I will look for a solution that causes the least damage to FX as a market and game.

http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OSTP/html/gps-factsheet.html http://www.trimble.com:80/gps/index.htm http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Geography/Navigation/Global_Positioning_System/

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