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Claim Gore04 - Al Gore US President-2004

Category: Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 0
Owner:38, highlander
Judge:1130, amlyman
due date:2005/02/01

The Claim

Al Gore, the former Vice President of the United States, will assume the office of president of the United States by 2005-02-01(after the inauguration after the election is usually scheduled).

This claim will be TRUE even if Al Gore assumes this office by staging a coup. If there are events which make it confusing who the US president is, as of 2005-02-01, this claim is true if Al Gore is leading a sovereign government in at least part of the territory of the Unites States of America(as of 2001-01-01) that has recognition of at least one of the UN Security Council permanent members(Britain, France,China and Russia) other than the United States.

Judge's Statement


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