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Claim HURR02 - Atlantic Tropical Storms 2002

Category: Science & Technology:General Science JUDGED at 70
Owner:3226, Tom Adams
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2002/12/01

The Claim

This is a scaled claim based on N, where N is the number of Atlantic tropical storms that are given official names by the U.S. National Hurricane Center after 2002/5/31 and before 2002/12/1 local time at the Hurricane Center.

The claim pays $0.10 for each addition storm in excess of 5 named storms, up to a total of 15 named storms. For instance, the claim pays 0.0 for N<6, 0.5 forN=10, 1.0 for N>14.

Judge's Statement

According to http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2002atlan.shtml there were 12 in the 2002 season.

The Market

Price Plot for life of HURR02
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