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Claim IrWh - Irving Whale raised OK

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 100
Owner:4, Ent
Judge:2, Chris Hibbert
due date:TBD

The Claim

The oil barge Irving Whale sank in 1970, 60km from the nearest land in 220 feet of water. It is now estimated to contain 3100 tonnes of Bunker C heavy fuel oil and 6800 liters of PCBs. The Canadian government proposes to lift the barge and transport it several hundred miles to a shipyard in Halifax, Nova Scotia during the summer of 1996.

This claim will pay $1 if the sunken oil barge Irving Whale is successfully raised and transported to a shipyard, with no reported environmental damage caused directly by the salvage operation, by Dec 31, 1996.

-see the Canadian Dept. of Environment Irving Whale web page (at http://www.ns.doe.ca/whale2/ )for detailed information.
-see also the Greenpeace Letter to Environmental Groups (at http://www.web.apc.org/~nben/irvingw.htm )

Judge's Statement


The Market

Price Plot for life of IrWh
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