This claim will pay out credibills for every Security Bulletin published by Microsoft Corp in 2003, according to the formula:
payoff = (# bulletins - 50) * 0.02
with a maximum payout of 1.00, and a minimum of zero.
Security bulletins are published on Microsoft website at:
For the purposes of comparison, the number of security bulletins published in the past few years was as follows: 100 in 2000, 60 in 2001, 72 in 2002. By January and February 2003, 6 security bulletins were published.
I intend to judge this claim primarily as stated, using the web page indicated in the claim (or a Microsoft Page that includes this information, should the original page be moved or deleted).
I will also subscribe to the Microsoft email alerts for Security Bulletins (offered on the same webpage). This will be a secondary source should the original page become unavailable. Should both sources become unavailable, I will try to find another Microsoft source and declare that here.
In the unlikely event Microsoft goes completely out of business, the claim will continue to be judged based number of bulletins issued before the company shuts down. Mergers or name changes will be treated as if it is the same company.
= = = =
MS03-51 was the last security bulletin released in 2003; therefore, the result of this claim is (51-50) * FX$0.02 for FX$0.02 per share.