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Claim NIPC - Non-Intel PCs Dominate by 2000

Category: Science & Technology:Computer Industry JUDGED at 0
Owner:10, tsikes@netcom.com
Judge:306, SMWinnie
due date:2001/01/01

The Claim

Non-Intel CPU personal computer sales (number of units sold) will outnumber Intel based systems by the year 2000. Non-Intel CPUs are defined to be all non-Intel x86 compatible chips such as the AMD K5, as well as other devices such as the PowerPC, Alpha and so on. Systems based on non-x86 compatible Intel chips such as the hypothetical P7 will count as Intel-based systems. For purposes of this claim personal computers are defined as those running DOS, any Windows variant, any MacOS variant, or any OS/2 variant. Other operating systems will be admissable if they exceed 5% sales rate of the combined sales rate of the above operating systems for a one year time period.

Judge's Statement

Current discussion in fx-discuss (26Jun97): http://www.ideosphere.com/fx/lists/fx-discuss/1997/0886.html

I will judge based on the intent of this claim, if I perceive such intent to be obvious. If such intent is ambiguous I will judge on the basis of the precise wording. If both are ambiguous, I will look for a solution which follows IF/FX precedent insofar as such precedent is apparent to me and applicable to the claim. I will seek the guidance of the claim's owner/author in interpreting the claim. It's his or her question - s/he ought to get the answer sought. If I believe this claim to have met a YES or NO condition, and if I believe judgement will be controversial, I will post a prospective judgement to fx-discuss and forestall entering the judgement for a comment period to be announced in the post.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
Price Plot for life of NIPC
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 7079
Players participating: 80
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