By the end of 1999, a national Prime Time TV show airing in the USA on one of the six current networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, UPN, WBN) will show unobscured full frontal nudity of a woman above the waist (a nipple must be fully visible for at least 1 second) or unobscured full frontal nudity of a man (the penis must fully visible for at least 1 second).
ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. The program must be air on a majority of the network's affiliates at the same time-slot (adjusted for time zones) in Prime Time (as defined by the FCC and the network). 2. The program may not be a news or reality based program. 3. The program must be taped, not live. 4. The situation must occur in a non-clinical context (i.e. not breast cancer surgery). 5. The progam must be available over the current network technology (over the airwaves, part of basic cable, etc. Pay-per-view specials or specially requested programs are excluded).