A nuclear weapon will be used(in other than a test capacity) somewhere in the world by 1/1/2020. This event will be acknowledged in major publications(i.e. The London Times, The Washington Post, The London Economist). Each Yes Coupon pays $1 within 1 month of the publication of the use of a nuclear weapon. No coupons pay $1 on Jan. 5, 2020 if no nuclear weapon has been used anywhere in the world between April 21, 2001 and Jan. 1, 2020.
Detonations prior to the claim creation date (2001-04-21) are excluded. Use of a nuclear weapon or device for any non-hostile purpose is excluded; these uses might include dredging harbors or removing mountains. This claim will be judged yes in the event of a Space detonation only if it caused tangible hostile effects on earth (e.g. EMP) other than harmless transient optical phenomena.