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Claim Pres00 - Republican Wins '00 Pres Elect

Category: Politics:US Politics News:US News JUDGED at 100
Owner:863, ediehn
Judge:90, rosvicl
due date:2001/01/26

The Claim

Claim: The Republican candidate wins the November 2000 U.S. presidential election.

The fine print:

For the purposes of this claim, the winner of the presidential election will be the winner as determined by the U.S. government, following the rules outlined in the U.S. Constitution and relevant laws (electoral college, U.S. House vote, etc.). Victor will be determined by the judge on January 26, 2001, based on the official results of the election.

YES coupons will pay $1.00 if the Republican candidate as nominated and confirmed by the Republican National Party is victorious. Otherwise, NO coupons will pay $1.00.

Should the Republican Party cease to exist as of the November 2000 presidential election, or if it fails to produce a candidate for that election, this claim will be judged in favor of NO claims.

Judge's Statement


The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
Price Plot for life of Pres00
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 1856
Players participating: 85
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