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Claim Putin - Putin remains in power, 2004

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 100
Owner:2399, RedHook
Judge:38, highlander
due date:2004/01/01

The Claim

This claim shall be judged "Yes," if, as of January 1, 2004, Vladimir Putin is the head of state, under any title, of the Russian Federation or a state by any name which encompasses the majority of current Russian Federation territory. If, between the inception of this claim and it's due date, Putin is "deposed" from power for a period equal to or greater than 90 days, a judgement of "No" will immediately be entered. If within 90 days of being "deposed," Putin returns to power, the claim shall continue as if he had continued in power without interruption.

"Deposed" is defined to include any means of removal from office, including, but not limited to, defeat in election, coup d'etat, assasination, death, war, civil war, insurrection, resignation, or abolition of office.

If at the expiration of this claim no state exists which encompasses the majority of territory currently held by the Russian Federation, a judgement of "No" shall be entered.

The judge of this claim shall be the sole judge of whether Vladimir Putin has been "deposed." The judge of this claim shall likewise be the sole judge of whether Putin is "in power" as of the due date of this claim. If, during an intermediary period or at the expiration of this claim, the identity of the "head of state" of the Russian Federation or a state by any name which encompasses the majority of current Russian territory is in dispute, the judge of this claim shall be the sole judge of whether Putin has been "deposed" or is currently "in power."

Judge's Statement

I will use as the criteria for who is head of state of territory that is now governed by the Russian Federation to be formal recognition of a government by any one of: 1) inclusion on the UN security council 2) diplomatic recognition by any one of governments of the United States, China, Britain, France (which will be taken to be the governments that send a representative to the United Nations Security Council in the event there is any confusion of the chain of authority in any of these governments). 3) Mention as a head of state of a country listed in the CIA fact book (the current listing for Russia is here).

I will use _total area_(which includes territorial waters) to calculate the area of the country Putin rules as head of state.

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