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Claim SPat - New patenting for programs

Category: Science & Technology:Computer Industry JUDGED at 0
Owner:73, Karl Hallowell
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:1999/01/01

The Claim

The U.S. government will pass a law by the end of 1998 creating a new way to protect intellectual property rights on programs and algorithms. This law must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The new law will be explicitly meant to include protection for programs and algorithms from unauthorized usage or commercial exploitation.

  • The duration of this protection is 7 years or less.

  • Registration of appropriate materials is 50% less expensive and less time consuming than obtaining patents. Reliable estimates from the US government showing a 50% savings in time and money will satisfy this condition.

  • The G7 nations legally recognize this protection.

Judge's Statement

I will judge based on the wording of the claim unless it is found to be ambiguous. Such ambiguities will be resolved based on my perception of the author's intent.

To be judged YES, all conditions must be met by the closing date of the claim. If judgement requires me to evaluate the reaction of the G7 nations to new US intellectual property laws, I may delay judgement by as much as 60 days during which I will consider statements by those G7 nations.

The Market

Price Plot for life of SPat
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