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Claim Spce - Private Space Exploitation

Category: Science & Technology:Space JUDGED at 0
Judge:74, niobium
due date:2018/07/24

The Claim

The 'Yes' verdict on this claim is dependent upon a private company without direct government subsidy mounting its own program of space exploration and exploitation. The conditions of this claim are 1) the company has to post a profit from its space operations for three consecutive years, 2) the company must have more employees in space (defined as LEO or further) than any single government or international organization for at least one year, and 3) at least 50% of the company's revenue must be derived from space based operations.

Judge's Statement

This claim may be judged YES early if the circumstances stated in the claim occur as specified. It can be judged NO early only if circumstances occur that make a YES judgment as of the due date impossible; this can occur no earlier than 3 years before the due date.

The three conditions of the claim are conjunctive, that is, all 3 must be true for a YES judgment.

For the purposes of judgment, "direct government subsidy" means only direct government investment in the private company engaged in space exploration, or in-kind direct assistance such as providing spacecraft or other material at no charge or at a significantly below-market price. Government investments in launch or landing facilities or infrastructure such as a spaceport are not deemed a "direct government subsidy". As of February 2006, government-backed spaceport plans have been proposed for New Mexico and the United Arab Emirates.

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