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Claim SweEur - Sweden says yes to Euro

Category: Finance:World Finance News:World News JUDGED at 0
Owner:3126, Varulv
Judge:53, billder
due date:2003/12/24

The Claim

On 14 September 2003, Sweden will hold a referendum on whether it will join the Euro or not. This claim will be judged True if the official result of the referendum is a «ja» (yes).

The question that will be asked is «Anser du att Sverige skall införa euron som valuta?» (Do you think Sweden should introduce the euro as its currency?)

For the purpose of this claim, the referendum may be delayed with up to three months. If no referendum is held before 14 December 2003, the claim should be judged False.

Information about the referendum: Folkomröstingen (in Swedish), Fact sheet (in English)

Judge's Statement

I will interpret "whether it will join the Euro or not" as "whether or not it will join the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and adopt the Euro as its currency."

Note: this referendum is only a public advisory vote for the Swedish Riksdag. From the fact sheet, "if the outcome of the referendum is Yes, the Riksdag will decide whether Sweden is to apply for membership in the monetary union."

Therefore, I intend to judge the claim based solely on the results of the referendum. Whether the Riksdag then pursues application to the EMU or Sweden ultimately adopts the Euro would be irrelevant to my judgment.

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