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Claim USNP - US 80% nuclear powered by 2050

Category: Science & Technology:Technology bid 17, ask 25, last 20
Owner:0, Bank
Judge:306, SMWinnie
due date:2050/01/01

The Claim

80 percent US electricity powered by nuclear generation. (Fusion and or Fission) by 2050

Judge's Statement

I will judge based on the intent of this claim, if I perceive such intent to be obvious. If such intent is ambiguous I will judge on the basis of the precise wording. If both are ambiguous, I will look for a solution which follows IF/FX precedent insofar as such precedent is apparent to me and applicable to the claim. I will seek the guidance of the claim's owner/author in interpreting the claim. It's his or her question - s/he ought to get the answer sought. If I believe this claim to have met a YES or NO condition, and if I believe judgement will be controversial, I will post a prospective judgement to fx-discuss and forestall entering the judgement for a comment period to be announced in the post.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
     1 @ 1   Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
     1 @ 1   whojgalt (4051)
     1 @ 1   jaygee (2252)
     1 @ 1   haggis (2155)
    10 @ 5   wombat (132)
    25 @ 05  favorunmerited (3167)
     5 @ 9   gmoney (3749)
    25 @ 09  favorunmerited (3167)
     5 @ 10  Ad C (8034)
    20 @ 10  fbn2 (7433)
    20 @ 10  eiffel (3141)
    30 @ 10  trapper (6764)
    88 @ 11  Gohar (4547)
    89 @ 11  poszi (6616)
    25 @ 13  favorunmerited (3167)
    34 @ 13  Oracle (167)
     9 @ 17  Oracle (167)
    25 @ 17  favorunmerited (3167)
Price Plot for life of USNP
Last trade price: 20
Current ask price: 25
Current bid price: 17
Pairs outstanding: 2010
Players participating: 89
View the ticker for this Claim.

Your cash balance: 441.44
Your holdings in this Claim: 0
Your UID:
Your password:
Your Sell YES Orders Players Selling YES Coupons
   100 @ 25  kjetilho@ifi.uio.no (82)
    20 @ 31  crandles (7886)
   150 @ 32  crandles (7886)
   139 @ 32  Zopilote (6013)
    12 @ 34  roystgnr (5157)
    10 @ 34  jdc (3519)
     5 @ 34  Oracle (167)
     1 @ 34  Loophole (97)
     1 @ 34  aaronwinborn (4821)
    25 @ 35  SandmantheOne (6813)
    12 @ 35  roystgnr (5157)
     1 @ 35  Loophole (97)
    01 @ 35  favorunmerited (3167)
     1 @ 35  aaronwinborn (4821)
     1 @ 35  irchans (7168)
     5 @ 36  Oracle (167)
     1 @ 36  Loophole (97)
    01 @ 36  favorunmerited (3167)
     1 @ 36  aaronwinborn (4821)
    20 @ 37  Jezz (3696)
    18 @ 37  L.A.W. (7769)
    10 @ 37  Arrectis Auribus (5458)
     1 @ 37  Loophole (97)
    01 @ 37  favorunmerited (3167)
    50 @ 38  Gohar (4547)
     5 @ 38  Oracle (167)
    01 @ 38  favorunmerited (3167)
    59 @ 39  Markybot (14)
     5 @ 40  Oracle (167)
     5 @ 40  Ad C (8034)
    20 @ 41  Jezz (3696)
    45 @ 44  abelinc1 (4505)
    13 @ 45  Groove (268)
    01 @ 45  favorunmerited (3167)
    45 @ 49  abelinc1 (4505)
   100 @ 50  sommerfeld@apollo.hp.com (16)
    30 @ 50  ezrollers (7692)
    58 @ 51  Markybot (14)
    60 @ 65  alito (3233)
     2 @ 69  DNME (1255)
   100 @ 70  crgrier (5878)
     1 @ 70  Ad C (8034)
    40 @ 72  jjhardie (5701)
   100 @ 87  favorunmerited (3167)
     2 @ 98  nazone (573)
     1 @ 99  kmeson (2211)
     1 @ 99  crandles (7886)
     1 @ 99  rmdashrf (9592)

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