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Claim VIXmax - VIX maximum value in 2005

Category: Finance:US Finance JUDGED at 0
Owner:7188, ux
Judge:38, highlander
due date:2006/01/01

The Claim

This is a scaled claim that pays 5*(VIX_max_2005 - 18.59) where VIX_max_2005 is the maximum value of the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (CBOE VIX) recorded in 2005.

As of 5/4/05, the maximum value of VIX in 2005 was 18.59, which occurred on 4/18/05; the minimum value was 10.90 on 2/4/05. In 2004, VIX ranged between 22.67 and 11.14. In 2003, VIX ranged between 35.66 and 14.66.

Sample payout table:
* VIX never rises above 18.59 in 2005: 0
* VIX reaches 20 in 2005: 7
* VIX reaches 25 in 2005: 32
* VIX reaches 30 in 2005: 57
* VIX reaches 35 in 2005: 82
* VIX reaches 38.59 or higher in 2005: 100

VIX data can be accessed from http://www.cboe.com/micro/vix/historical.aspx or a custom charting tool such as http://www.bigcharts.com. The "New Methodology" (9/22/03 and later) data should be used. The ticker "^VIX" can be used on Yahoo! Finance to see its current value. The claim pays based on the maximum daily high of VIX, not the maximum closing value.

This claim should be judged promptly after 1/1/06. If VIX exceeds 38.59 before 1/1/06, the claim should be judged at 100 immediately.

Judge's Statement


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