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Claim Vege - Non-carnivores >50% in US 2030

Category: News:US News bid 4, ask 22, last 6
Owner:47, RJMason
Judge:681, Bemke
due date:2030/12/31

The Claim

This claim will be judged YES if, by the end of 2030, reliable surveys indicate that a majority (>50%) of U.S. residents seldom or never eat of the carcasses of any mammals, birds, or reptiles.

Note that this claim could be satisfied if members of the "non-carnivore" majority habitually ate any of the following:

  • fruit, vegetables, vegetable products
  • milk, honey, eggs
  • fish, crustaceans, amphibians, insects
  • wholly artificial foods
  • animal tissue not directly requiring the slaughter of animals with mental life comparable to that of a mammal, bird, or reptile (e.g. if beef steaks could be grown in vats instead of consisting of the carcasses of dead cattle, eaters of vat-beef could qualify as "non-carnivores" for the purposes of this claim)
If the U.S. ceases to exist by 2030, the judge may at his discretion change the sample population to any nation or group occupying the territory of the former U.S. If no such group exists, the claim will be judged NO.

Judge's Statement


The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
     1 @ 1   haggis (2155)
   413 @ 1   jar (6504)
   100 @ 2   jar (6504)
    50 @ 3   mkimball (6656)
    46 @ 4   mkimball (6656)
Price Plot for life of Vege
Last trade price: 6
Current ask price: 22
Current bid price: 4
Pairs outstanding: 1501
Players participating: 78
View the ticker for this Claim.

Your cash balance: 2008.49
Your holdings in this Claim: 3
Your UID:
Your password:
Your Sell YES Orders Players Selling YES Coupons
    39 @ 22  crandles (7886)
    39 @ 23  Zopilote (6013)
    10 @ 23  370 (10340)
    15 @ 24  wilian (4844)
    13 @ 24  twist (9973)
    51 @ 25  twist (9973)
    50 @ 25  Mantees de Tara (3186)
    15 @ 26  spalan (7932)
    15 @ 27  Ad C (8034)
    10 @ 28  dpgreen (4327)
    87 @ 29  Markybot (14)
    50 @ 30  halu (6776)
    20 @ 30  Ad C (8034)
    12 @ 30  roystgnr (5157)
    10 @ 30  wenaus (5394)
     6 @ 31  roystgnr (5157)
    11 @ 32  dpgreen (4327)
     6 @ 32  roystgnr (5157)
     5 @ 32  uxmal (100)
    50 @ 35  halu (6776)
    20 @ 40  tWD (3601)
   199 @ 41  Jubilex (2012)
    40 @ 48  burf (1664)
     4 @ 48  aof (617)
     7 @ 49  Dr.Evil-Enterprises (4579)
    86 @ 51  Markybot (14)
     5 @ 53  aof (617)
   458 @ 60  afoust (401)
     7 @ 60  aof (617)
    10 @ 62  westview (961)
     3 @ 64  Dr.Evil-Enterprises (4579)
     9 @ 69  aof (617)
    10 @ 80  cyberboojum (7125)
     5 @ 80  Romulus (983)
    15 @ 85  raven (1642)
     1 @ 99  haggis (2155)
     1 @ 99  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)

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