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Claim WChild - World child mortality in 2015

Category: Science & Technology:Medicine, Biochemistry News:World News JUDGED at 42
Owner:2918, stefano
Judge:2, Chris Hibbert
due date:2016/12/31

The Claim

This claim will pay as many cents as the world average mortality for every 1000 children under 5 years old, in 2015. E.g. if the average child mortality is 50/1000, the claim value will be FX$ 0.50

Data for 1998 (as reported by UNICEF at http://www.unicef.or g/sowc00/stat3.htm) give values that range from about 6/1000 in industrialized countries to over 200/1000 in some parts of Africa. The world average is 86/1000.

Values over 100/1000 will be considered as 100/1000.

Judge's Statement

I will judge this claim based on its intent, guided by the details of the wording. The intent of this claim is a prediction of worldwide average mortality in the year 2015. The citation of UNICEF seems to be as the best current source of figures. If another source is widely considered more authoritative at that point, it may be substituted.

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