This claim will be judged yes if either the Jim Bowery Prize for Amateur Rocketry or the CATS Prize are awarded by the judgement date of this claim for a launch performed before 2000/11/8.
Background: These are both cash prizes offered to the first amateur rocket that attains a height of 200KM(the prizes differ in some details).
The only exception will be if the Bowery Prize for Amateur Rocketry is awarded to a launch for which I am given some credit or in which I had a hand -- in which case the BPFAR will become irrelevant to this claim. The award of the BPFAR must meet a 'reasonable man' test. That is, if the contestants are reasonable men and can actually convince themselves they've met the 200km criterion, then they can, in all probability, convince me by similar means.
Launches performed on 2000/11/8 will, of course, be included.