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Claim suibmb - US Suicide Bombers< 2005

Category: News:Disasters JUDGED at 0
Owner:38, highlander
Judge:45, Baldrson
due date:2005/01/10

The Claim

Before 2005-01-01, at least 3 people separated geographically by at least 1 mile at the time of their deaths or by at least 24 hours difference in time will have killed themselves and one other person in attacks. These attacks will take place in the United States(50 states plus DC) and must be attributed to political or religious causes that are related to each other according to statements on the part of the US President or his staff.

Judge's Statement


The Market

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Price Plot for life of suibmb
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 5836
Players participating: 86
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