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Claim 01Stck - Big changes in 01 Stock Market

Category: Finance:US Finance JUDGED at 38
Owner:3225, ducrozet
Judge:38, highlander
due date:2002/01/01

The Claim

The U.S. stock market roller-coaster ride will intensify in 2001, and large changes in the DJIA and NASDAQ indices will potentially close out the year.

The added values of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the NASDAQ composite index will end 2001 (closing price on 12/31/01) with a 25% or greater change in value from the closing price on 12/29/00. The swing can be either positive or negative.

Yes coupons will pay a scaled amount based on the percent change between the closing prices on 12/31/00 and 12/31/01 for the added values of the DJIA and the NASDAQ composite per the following formula:
YES = Absolute value of
( ((DJIA[01] + NASDAQ[01]) – (DJIA[00] + NASDAQ[00]))
/ (DJIA[00] + NASDAQ[00]) * 4 )
with a maximum value of 1.00
where [01] and [00] refer to closing price as of 12/31/01 and 12/29/00 respectively.

Example: Net change of DJIA + NASDAQ
0% change Yes = 0.00
+10% or –10% change Yes = 0.40
+20% or - 20% change Yes = 0.80
+25% or -25% or greater absolute change Yes = 1.00

If a change is made to either (or both) the DJIA and NASDAQ indices makeup, the claim will use the new values the same as the old (there is no need to watch the original stocks).

The closing prices of the DJIA and NASDAQ on 12/29/00 (last trading day of 2000) were 10786.85 and 2470.52 respectively as per the Wall Street Journal.

Judge's Statement

I intend to use figures from the Wall Street Journal. In the event the Wall Street Journal ceases publication I will use a similarly reputable source(Barrons or Investors Daily). In the event no figures are reported, I will substitute the most figures from the date closes to the end of the year which are available(which means in the rather unlikely event that that the US is nuked tomorrow or there is a successful Maoist revolution in the US and no DJIA and NASDAQ figures are reported for two years, and I can get to an internnet connection, this claim would be judged 0.

The Market

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Price Plot for life of 01Stck
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Current ask price: 100
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Pairs outstanding: 1893
Players participating: 23
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