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Claim As97 - Assassination attempt by 97

Category: News:US News JUDGED at 0
Judge:14, Markybot
due date:1997/01/31

The Claim

A sitting United States President or President-Elect (or major-party Presidential candidate, if before or during the Presidential election of November, 1996) will be subject to assassination or attempted assassination before or during the Presidential Inauguration in January, 1997. A direct attempt with as little success as Squeaky Fromme's attempt on Ford would be a YES, but an incident such as firing a weapon at the White House, unless the President was the direct target, would be a NO. A "major-party Presidential candidate" is defined as one from a party that received at least one Electoral vote in the previous Presidential election, and who either has collected at least one delegate from binding primaries (if before completion of the first nominating vote at the convention), has received at least one delegate vote in the first convention nominating ballot if before the nomination process is complete, or has been nominated by a major party.

Judge's Statement


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