The claim will be TRUE whenever U.S. retail gasoline fuel prices are equal to or greater than 3.00 USD/gallon after 12/31/2006 and on or before 12/31/2007. The national average prices, which are aggregate regular grade gasoline (including reformulated) prices across all regions of the U.S. (surveyed and calculated by the Department of Energy), will be used for this claim as the “U.S. retail gasoline fuel prices”. The nominal prices calculated by the DOE will be used in this claim without further adjustments.
Currently, the price information can be accessed online:
If the Department of Energy changes its methodology in determining the prices, the new DOE modified prices will be used for this claim. If such modification results in changing any of the past prices within the above time frame to be nominally at or above $3.00/gallon, the claim will be judged TRUE.