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Claim GayPrs - Prostatitis Causes Gayness

Category: Science & Technology:Medicine, Biochemistry JUDGED at 0
Owner:45, Baldrson
Judge:7886, crandles
due date:2020/01/01

The Claim

A peer reviewed scientific journal will publish an article hypothesizing that prostatitis is a contributing factor in the onset of receptive anal sexual preference in a significant number the of men exhibiting such a preference.


Judge's Statement

This claim will pay FX$1 if, by the due date, an article appears in a reputable scientific/medical journal (as defined below) suggesting that prostatitis is statistically significant in homosexuals compared to the heterosexual population. An "hypothesis" is defined as an "educated guess", and therefore, said article is expected to present scientifically sound grounds for the hypothesis. Please note that the wording of the claim specifically excludes newspaper articles. In addition, I am also excluding any form of editorial or letters-to-the-editor which appear in scientific journals that might otherwise qualify as "reputable". It must be a stand alone refereed article, whose primary purpose is to demonstrate reasonable grounds for the proposed relationship between homosexuality and prostatitis. The following criteria will be used in determining if a journal is "reputable" for this purpose: 1) The Journal of the American Medical Association is reputable, automatically. 2) The New England Journal of Medicine is reputable, automatically. 3) I am not a medical doctor. In the case that said article appears in some other journal, I will contact the faculty at the nearest state university medical school in an attempt to deduce that the journal is, or is not, considered nationally reputable. At the present time, the closest such university to me is the University of North Carolina Medical School. In this way, I believe this will filter out articles that appear in "quack medicine" journals.

14 Nov 2020 As new judge for claim, I add that I have so far not found any study that might qualify but I am not sure my searches have been exhaustive enough.

If anyone has or can find any studies that they think I should review, please let me know. Proving non-existence is difficult so I intend to leave this claim open for several weeks for people to find such a study and send it to me. So I may well not judge this claim til January 2021.

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