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Claim ISS99 - First crew aboard ISS

Category: Science & Technology:Space News:US News News:World News JUDGED at 20
Owner:483, patrik
Judge:73, Karl Hallowell
due date:2001/03/15

The Claim

According to the current Assembly Sequence (revision D), an international crew of three will begin living aboard the International Space Station in July 1999, arriving on Soyuz flight 2R.

This claim will pay out based on the month in which permanent human presence aboard ISS is first established. The claim is judged when 3 or more persons have been living together on board the space station for 14 continuous days (i.e. the same 3 people for the whole 14 days). "On board" means that, at a minimum, the crew members in question have to be bunked on ISS and spend all their sleeping periods there. This claim will pay out $1 minus 5 cents per month after July 1999 in which the first such 14-day period starts. I.e. the claim pays out 100 if this 14-day period starts during or before July 1999, 70 during January 2000, 10 during January 2001, and 0 if this does not happen before 2001/03/01.

Judge's Statement


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