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Claim IraqDi - U.S. military deaths in Iraq

Category: News:World News News:US News Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 48
Owner:234, Peter McCluskey
Judge:5607, biff
due date:2013/06/30

The Claim

This is a scaled claim about the first month after January 2005 in which no U.S. military personnel die from hostile action in Iraq. It will pay 1 for each month with some hostile deaths, and be judged either when it is determined that there has been a month with no such deaths, or when 100 months have passed. So it would pay 1 if February 2005 is a month with no such deaths, and 100 if all months from 2005 through April 2013 have some such deaths. The judge will if possible use announcements on U.S. military webpages such as http://www.dior.whs.mil/mmid/casualty/oif_date_of_death_list.pdf or http://web1.whs.osd.mil/mmid/casualty/castop.htm to determine the number of hostile deaths, using the date of death rather than the "incident date" if both dates are available.

If there is any uncertainty about whether the deaths are caused by events in Iraq, the claim will be decided using numbers which cover as much of the region known in January 2005 as Iraq as possible, even if those numbers include some deaths that happened outside of Iraq.

Judge's Statement

The intent of this claim is to assess the month at which hostile action reduces to a point where no US casualties occur by enemy action in the country of Iraq.

Enemy is defined as any group, cabal, organization, or nation with publicly stated goals of aggression toward the United States and "Operation Enduring Freedom".

I will judge by incident date as opposed to date of death. For example: A soldier is wounded in January. February is fatal incident free. The soldier wounded in January dies in February as a result of his wounds. February would still count as the first month of no casualties.

Iraq is defined as the boundaries of Iraq as defined by the CIA.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook. At the time of this writing it includes the areas of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and bordered (clockwise from north) Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria.

Obviously if US forces quit the area before April 2013 than this claim will be judged true at that date.

As of April 2008 this claim will pay no less than 40.

April 2009 no less than 52

April 2010 no less than 64

April 2011 no less than 76

April 2012 no less than 88

And April 2013 will pay 100.

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