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Claim Jodie - J. Foster wins Oscar for 1997

Category: Arts & Entertainment:Movies JUDGED at 0
Owner:47, RJMason
Judge:723, Mario Hilgemeier
due date:1998/12/31

The Claim

Claim: The actress Jodie Foster will win an Academy Award ("Oscar") for 1997. Note that Academy Awards "for" 1997 will be awarded in 1998, at the 70th Academy Awards presentation.

The award must be for an acting performance by Jodie Foster (either Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress). An award for Best Director, for example, is not sufficient for purposes of this claim, nor is it sufficient for a movie starring Jodie Foster to win some other Oscar which does not recognize her in particular.

The claim will be judged NO if the 70th Academy Awards presentation concludes without an acting award being made to Jodie Foster. It will also be judged NO if the year 1998 comes to an end with no 70th Academy Awards presentation taking place. Otherwise it will be judged YES.

Judge's Statement

In case of wording ambiguity, judgement will be based on the intent of the claim.

The primal information source for the judgement (among other popular newsmedia) is Academy Awards for 1997 films.

J.Foster is not nominated, but a YES for this claim cannot absolutely be ruled out now - there's no biz like showbiz :-) - however improbable.
All shareholders will have to wait until after the actual 70th Academy Awards presentation.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
Price Plot for life of Jodie
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 1116
Players participating: 26
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