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Claim KRUG - Krugman awarded Nobel prize

Category: Finance:World Finance JUDGED at 100
Owner:3453, Panos
Judge:163, jim
due date:2040/12/31

The Claim

Paul Krugman will be awarded the Nobel prize in Economics ("Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel") sometime before Dec.31st, 2040. The claim will be judged TRUE a week after the day that the Nobel Foundation (or the organization responsible for the Nobel prize in Economics at the time)officially announces the names of the winners. The claim will be also judged TRUE in the case that the prize in shared between Paul Krugman and one or more winners. The claim will be automatically judged FALSE in the case of the death of Paul Krugman. More information on the Nobel prize in Economics: http://www.nobel.se/economics/index.html On Paul Krugman: http://www.wws.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/ http://www.pkarchive.org/

Judge's Statement

The one-week clock started ticking on 13 Oct 2008 for a TRUE judgment on this claim.

Congratulations to Paul Krugman!

Although the description says "The claim will be automatically judged FALSE in the case of the death of Paul Krugman", I interpret that to have been in place to terminate the claim before 2040, not to encourage assassinations in the waiting period before the claim judgment is finalized. My interpretation is that the claim should be judged TRUE unless the prize is rescinded in this waiting period by the Nobel Foundation.

See http://nobelprize.org/contact/faq/index.html for confirmation that the prize is awarded posthumously if the recipient dies between the award and the presentation.

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