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Claim MLAW - Minimalist Legal System wins

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 0
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2005/01/01

The Claim

The average standard of living in countries with legal systems based on simple law-sets with a bare minimum of basic constraints will clearly be seen to be higher compared to countries where there are many laws and regulations. The claim will be proved if by the year 2005 one or more countries have deliberately legislated such a system and one or more of their gross national products per head of population is 20% higher than its nearest rival with a complex system of laws.

Judge's Statement

I will judge based on the wording of the claim unless it is found to be ambiguous. Such ambiguities will be resolved based on my perception of the author's intent.

To be judged TRUE, details demonstrating satisfaction of the claim, with verifiable authoritative references, must be posted to the fx-discuss mailing list before the claim's closing date. The claim can be closed YES early, but a NO result will have to wait until the claim's closing date. There is no requirement of a causal link between the legal system and the GNP.

The Market

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Price Plot for life of MLAW
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 1017
Players participating: 43
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