There two standards being promulgated for secure Web communications. They are:
The claim is YES if the SSL standard wins out over SHTTP by virtue of: the majority of Web server offerings use SSL and not SHTTP.
The claim is NO if
The breadth or the unit-count of Web clients that support SHTTP or SSL are irrelevant to this claim. The unit-count of Web servers is irrelevant to this claim -- only the breadth of server offerings counts. The criteria will be judged by a survey of press release statements made by EIT, CommerceNet, and Netscape as well as any relevant trade publication articles or marketing surveys.
Netscape Communications Corp News Release: Industry Leaders Support Secure Sockets Layer For Internet Security Broad Support for Open Protocol Enables Electronic Commerce
I will judge based on the wording of the claim unless it is found to be ambiguous. Such ambiguities will be resolved based on my perception of the author's intent.
See IWorld's survey of web server features for an example of the kind of resource I plan to use for judging.