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Claim T2007X - T2007 trades below 90 in '02

Category: Science & Technology:Idea Futures (and Experimental Claims) JUDGED at 100
Owner:3890, bertisevil
Judge:3607, MatrixMan
due date:2003/01/01

The Claim

During the year 2002, at least one contract of T2007 will trade at a price below 90.


Comments of the claim's author irrelevant to the judging of the claim:

This claim aims to test whether creating additional derivative claims will substantially affect the trading of the underlying instrument. It also tests whether the liquidity of idea futures will support the trading of idea derivatives.

Judge's Statement

This claim is unambiquous. If at any time there is a trade at a price of 89 or less on the fx ticker showing a year of 2002, it will be immediately judged true and pay each yes coupon 1. If there is no trade at a price of 89 or less with a date on the fx ticker showing a year of 2002 the claim will be judged false and pay each no coupon 1.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
Price Plot for life of T2007X
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 6973
Players participating: 49
View the ticker for this Claim.

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Your holdings in this Claim: 0
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